Need a good laugh? These funny puns about puns jokes will make you giggle all day!

Who doesn’t love funny puns? But what is a pun? Chances are, you’ve heard his share of funny puns before. A good definition of a pun is a play on words in which a jokester mixes up two words that are similar but have different meanings.

In this post, we, giftOMG are upping the ante and taking our clever puns to the next level with this list of the best puns about puns jokes. Here are some examples of really bad puns that make people cringe.

Hilarious Bad Funny Puns

Puns About Puns Jokes

Sometimes, puns are undeniably cheesy, but sharing funny puns almost always provides a good laugh — and in this day and time, more and more people are using them. Read on and laugh out loud with this collection of puns about puns jokes.

  • Why did Adele cross the road? To say hello from the other side.
  • Ah, a steak pun is a are medium well done.
  • My English teacher has a pun-chent for telling corny jokes.
  • What kind of concert only costs 45 cents? A 50 Cent concert featuring Nickelback.
  • Think of this as pun-ishment for making fun of my puns.
  • Dad jokes are the pun-nacle of humor.
  • What did the grape say when it got crushed? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.
  • I am pun-doubtably obsessed with puns.
  • I want to be cremated as it is my last hope for a smoking hot body.
  • It’s tough to explain puns to kleptomaniacs. They always take things literally.
  • Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
  • A truly good pun is its own reword.
  • To the guy who invented zero, thanks for nothing.
  • Sorry, you might be pun-familiar with my sense of humor.
  • I had a crazy dream last night! I was swimming in an ocean of orange soda. Turns out it was just a Fanta sea.
  • Seven days without a pun…. makes one weak.
  • Sorry, you might be pun-familiar with my sense of humor.
  • A crazy wife says to her husband that moose are falling from the sky. The husband says, it’s reindeer.
  • Ladies, if he can’t appreciate your fruit jokes, you need to let that mango.
  • I entered 10 puns into a contest hoping one would win, but no pun in ten did.
  • Geology rocks but Geography is where it’s at!

Jokes With a Pun-chline


On the flip side of the quick pun, we have a pun with punchlines, like in the online game Pundle. These two-stage jokes let listeners know something cheesy is going on, but there’s nothing they can do about it. They just have to sit back and enjoy (or learn to enjoy) these masterful puns about puns jokes.

  • I adore a good play on words. You might say I’m pun-stoppable.
  • I once watched a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
  • Why are so many blonde jokes one-liners? So brunettes can remember them.
  • Oof, sorry. Am I making you pun-comfortable?
  • What do you call a blonde with half a brain? Gifted.
  • It’s OK. I used to hate puns too … but now they’ve groan on me.
  • Why did the pun fail his English class? He didn’t use proper pun-ctuation!
  • Have you ever tried to write your own puns? It’s a fairly difficult pun-dertaking!
  • Our child has a great deal of willpower—and even more won’t power.
  • Did you hear they arrested the devil? Yeah, they got him on possession.
  • Advice to husbands: Try praising your wife now and then, even if it does startle her at first.
  • What do you get when you cross a polar bear with a seal? A polar bear.
  • What does the pun writer use to write his puns? A pun-cil.
  • I once watched a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
  • Why do kleptomaniacs have a hard time understanding puns? Because they take things literally.
  • Someone told me a pun about growing maize the other day. It was the corny-est thing I’ve ever heard.
  • Among the things that are so simple even a child can operate them are parents.
  • What did one DNA say to the other DNA? “Do these genes make me look fat?”
  • None of my friends appreciate my dad jokes. I guess my friends aren’t as punny as I thought they were.

Groan-worthy Puns About Loving Puns

puns about puns jokes

Would you even like a pun if you weren’t openly obnoxious about it? If you want to flaunt your love of puns, here are some of the puns about puns jokes we recommend.

  • I adore a good play on words. You might say I’m pun-stoppable.
  • Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? It’s okay. He woke up!
  • Why did the grizzly hate this article? He can’t bear puns!
  • Saying I love puns would be a true pun-derstatement. 
  • My love of puns is truly pun-limited.
  • What should you call an average potato? A commen-tator!
  • I have a pun-equivocal love for puns.
  • Bad puns…it’s how eye roll.
  • I suppose you could say I have a pun-chant for good wordplay. 
  • Someday when I’m a pun-sioner, I’d love to live in a pun-thouse on a pun-insula.
  • You can definitely say I’ve got a pro-pun-sity for puns.
  • I’ve got wordplay fever and the only prescription is more pun-icillin.
  • Why did the grizzly hate this article? He can’t bear puns!
  • I am pun-doubtably obsessed with puns.
  • Face it, I’m a true pun-dle of joy.
  • I’m not pregnant, but I do have a pun in the oven.

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Best Punny Jokes About Puns


If you’re looking for some clever puns on puns in the form of jokes, here are some. Use the puns about puns jokes below to torment your friends and family optimally.

  • Why do kleptomaniacs have a hard time understanding puns? – Because they take things literally. 
  • How many DIY buffs does it take to change a light bulb? – One, but it takes two weeks and four trips to the hardware store.
  • What happened to the guy who stole a pun? – He needed to be pun-ished.
  • Where did the pun master go after he committed a crime? – The pun-itentiary. 
  • Did you hear about the statistician who drowned while crossing a river? – It was three feet deep on average.
  • Why do kleptomaniacs have a hard time understanding puns? – Because they take things literally. 
  • Do you have something against puns? – No, I’m not homophonic!
  • Why don’t pirates take a shower before they walk the plank? – They just wash up on shore.
  • What did the pun mom say to the new pun dad? – We have a pun in the oven!
  • What happened when the pun misbehaved in school? – He was pun-alized with detention!
  • Do you have something against puns? – No, I’m not homophonic!
  • What did the pun mom say to the new pun dad? – We have a pun in the oven!
  • What happened when the pun misbehaved in school? – He was pun-alized with detention!
  • What’s a pun’s favorite movie? – It’s a Punderful Life!
  • How many telemarketers does it take to change a light bulb? – Only one, but he has to do it while you are eating dinner.
  • What happened to the guy who stole a pun? – He needed to be pun-ished.
  • What does the pun writer use to write his puns? – A pun-cil.
  • Why did everyone plug their nose when the pun master told his joke?- His joke was far too pun-gent.
  • Have you ever tried to write your own puns? – It’s a fairly difficult pun-dertaking!
  • Why did the pun master have to leave the room? – He was making everyone pun-comfortable.

Jokes With a Pun-chline

See more puns about puns jokes below:

  • Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.
  • Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired.
  • Did you hear about the kidnapping at the playground? They woke up.
  • What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.
  • I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.
  • I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.
  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.
  • I’m on a whiskey diet. I’ve lost three days already.
  • What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite.
  • I told my wife she was better at making toast than anyone I knew. She said, “That’s a weird thing to be good at.”

Wrapping Up

These puns about puns jokes are definitely some great options to get you a giggle, a sigh, or a combination of the two. But, there’s certainly more to it than that. And you might even come up with some new ones! Take a moment to learn about what makes a pun. Then test your knowledge with friends and family members who are understanding your pun better.

Source: Collector

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