Music is a great tool to help people feel deep emotions. It soothes even savage breasts. And while a musical joke probably won’t touch your soul like Beethoven’s immortal love songs, it can make you smile or even chuckle a little. If you’re looking for some funny music puns jokes, here we’ve gathered great lists that will certainly leave you on a high note.
If you want more puns about life, head to giftomg. Make your life more interesting with funny jokes.
Well, don’t waste your time anymore! Let’s get started!
Best Music Puns Jokes for Instagram Captions

If you are an avid music lover, then you will certainly love our music puns jokes. Whether you want to post a photo of posing with your favorite instrument or just yourself performing, you might be in need of a fun caption to go with. Here are some extremely great puns just for you.
- You had me at Cello
- Oh no, I think I made A Major mistake
- Don’t string me along
- The rabbit’s favorite genre of music is hip hop.
- May the fourth be with you
- In the end, there’s nothing you can really count on except metronomes
- Uke, I am your father
- Musicians? Oh yeah, we think outside the Bach’s.
- I wish I could tell you a pun about the staccato but I can’t because it’s too short
- You strike a tune with me
- Oh no, I think I made A Major mistake
- Handel with care
- Tuba honest, you are super cool
- To understand the future of music, one needs to go Bach in time
- This looks like Treble
- Trying to keep it low key
- Oh no, I think I made A Major mistake
- Pick me a winner
- Baby got Bach
- Shall we make sweet music together?
- Hope this doesn’t leave you cord!
- Just B natural
- My best friend wrote a great rap about tortillas
- It takes a lot of guts to become an organ player
- This is going to B major fun
- Use can do it
- I think you’re pretty sharp
- Buying music can leave you pretty Baroque
- Time to kick some bass
Music Jokes That’ll Hit the Right Notes

Laughter and relaxation are essential! Sometimes you need to take a break and find something interesting. To do that, below are some music puns jokes that will boost your mood quickly.
- What do you get when you drop a piano down a mineshaft? – A-flat minor
- What do you say when a kazoo player sneezes? Kazoontite
- What happened to the musicians who misbehaved at the concert? They’re band for life
- How do you fix a broken tuba?
- What do you call clean music?
- Why did the skeleton want to join band? He wanted a trom-bone!
- A soap opera!
- With a tuba glue.
- Why is the fish always first chair? Because he knows his scales.
- How do you fix a broken tuba? With a tuba glue
- What do you say to the musician playing the triangle in the orchestra?
- Why can’t skeletons play church music? Because they have no organs.
- Thank you for every ting.
- Why shouldn’t you trust string instruments? They can be lyres.
- Why do thieves always rob instrument stores? They want the lute.
- What is a Jehovah’s Witness’ favorite band? The Doors.
- Whats the difference between a piano and a fish? You can’t tune a fish
- Did you hear about the sax player who plays with his feet? He’s alto.
- Why are electric guitar players the nicest members of a rock band? They always practice random axe of kindness.
- What’s a golf clubs favorite type of music? Swing
- Why do thieves always rob instrument stores? They want the lute.
- What happened to the musicians who misbehaved at the concert? They’re band for life.
- Why did the jazz musician keep touching the colorful paintings? He was feeling the blues.
- Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens? All they said was, “Bach, Bach, Bach.”
- Why are electric guitar players the nicest members of a rock band? They always practice random axe of kindness.
- What do you say when a kazoo player sneezes? Kazoontite.
- What do you call a singing laptop? A Dell.
Hilarious Instrument Puns That Will Never Fall Flat

Are you obsessed with a particular instrument like the saxophone, piano, or guitar? Then these instrument puns are perfect for you! You can also easily transform them into funny jokes for your next conversations. Take a look at our instrument puns that will help you level up your music game.
- It takes a lot of guts to become an organ player.
- Where did the music teacher leave her keys? In the piano.
- A wind instrument accidentally hit his wife on the mouth with an organ. He didn’t wish to harm Monica.
- How did the turkey win the talent show? With his drum-sticks.
- My father’s organ had a malfunction during his performance. The doctors said that he experienced organ failure.
- Trying not to fret about learning to play guitar
- Where did the music teacher leave her keys? In the piano.
- The electric guitar took his students to a live performance. When the guitar player played the highest note, he said, “Note that down”.
- What is the difference between a fish and a piano? You can’t tuna fish.
- The violin didn’t like the guitar even one bit. They never struck a chord with each other.
- The guitar wasn’t able to play the classic song ‘Hot Cross Buns’. When he told his teacher, the teacher said, “Don’t fret about it”.
- What do you get when you drop a piano down a mineshaft? A-flat minor.
- Guitars love to chow down on string cheese.
- Why shouldn’t you let kids watch big band performances on TV? Too much sax and violins
- What is a skeleton’s favorite instrument? The trombone.
- Why can’t skeletons play church music? Because they have no organs
- What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft? A flat minor.
Above is the best list of music puns jokes you can get and use. If you love animal, we also have ideas for you. We have the fun collection of dog puns, horse jokes, cat puns, bat jokes and more.